The Council of Western State Foresters (CWSF) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit membership organization comprised of 17 western State Foresters and six U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Island Foresters.
The Council of Western State Foresters promotes the conservation, protection, and sustainable management of forests for today and generations to come by leading collective action, fostering learning, facilitating resource sharing, providing credible expertise and information, carrying out outreach and advocacy, and engaging with partners.
Learn more about who we are and what we do.
Priority issues, which exist throughout western states as evidenced by western state Forest Action Plans, include forest health, sustainability, water, and wildfire. Click here to learn more about key issues in western forestry.
The CWSF staff coordinates and manages the work of the Western Forestry Leadership Coalition (WFLC) - a partnership between western State Foresters and USDA Forest Service leaders.
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