
The Council of Western State Foresters promotes the conservation, protection, and sustainable management of forests for today and generations to come by leading collective action, fostering learning, facilitating resource sharing, providing credible expertise and information, carrying out outreach and advocacy, and engaging with partners.

Goal #1: CWSF creates a member centered environment to facilitate meaningful engagement and learning among members.

  • Strategy #1: Facilitate dialogue, networking, and learning among western State Foresters as well as state agency staff and other forestry stakeholders.
  • Strategy #2: Manage the functioning of CWSF committees and networks according to clear and consistent guidelines.
  • Strategy #3: Provide expertise and staffing to State Foresters and their staffs on issues, programs, and projects of importance in the west, including Forest Action Plan development, interactions with Congress at the national level and legislatures at the state level, program performance communications, etc.

Goal #2: CWSF serves as a trusted and credible authority and advocates for western forestry and wildland fire priorities.

  • Strategy #1: Analyze national forestry and wildland fire legislation and policy issues with western impact and provide information and recommendations for collective State Foresters positions, messages, and actions.
  • Strategy #2: Develop, share, and publish external facing communications products for and about members and their priorities.
  • Strategy #3: Administer annual competitive grant processes in the State Fire Assistance Wildland Urban Interface program, the Landscape Scale Restoration Program, the Forest Legacy Program, and other competitive grant programs.

Goal #3: CWSF strengthens the prominence of western forestry priorities through establishment and maintenance of strong and collaborative partnerships.

  • Strategy #1: Build strong and diverse networks and relationships with existing and new governmental and nongovernmental partners with synergistic priorities.
  • Strategy #2: Provide opportunities for networking, dialogue, knowledge sharing, and learning among CWSF members and partners.
  • Strategy #3: Manage the operation and engagement of members in the WFLC and deliver goals of the WFLC strategic plan.
  • Strategy #4: Work collaboratively with the National Association of State Foresters, the Northeast Midwest State Foresters Alliance, and the Southern Group of State Foresters.

Goal #4: CWSF manages the governance, financial, operational, and human affairs of the organization using sound and well-informed approaches.

  • Strategy #1: Ensure the organization operates in line with the Bylaws, Policies, Strategic Plan, and all other governance materials and has consistent participation and oversight by the CWSF Executive Committee, other governing committees, and the membership.
  • Strategy #2: Maintain, implement, and enforce all organizational policies and procedures.
  • Strategy #3: Provide ongoing management of the organization’s business, financial, and personnel operations.
  • Strategy #4: Carry out work planning, staff development, regular staff evaluations, and succession planning.
  • Strategy #5: Secure sustained funding and ensure the organization is financially stable and legally secure in the present day and into the future.