CWSF, our members, and partners work collaboratively to minimize risks to individuals, firefighters, property, and communities from wildland fire.
The risk of wildland fire is increasing across the West. Wildfire seasons in the Western United States are starting earlier and lasting longer. Fire frequency, severity, and size are also increasing.
Human development in the wildland-urban interface contributes to the challenge of managing wildland fire.
CWSF and our members work to address wildland fire by engaging in interagency collaboration to*:
- Restore and maintain resilient landscapes
- Create fire-adapted communities
- Respond to wildfires
*These priorities mirror the objectives stated in the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy.
CWSF collaborates across land-ownership and jurisdictional boundaries to champion effective wildfire preparedness and prevention, suppression, and mitigation strategies.
Mitigating risks from wildfire requires effective outreach, education, and training programs. Responsible stewardship of forest lands is also essential to improving forest health and protecting public safety.
CWSF works with members and partners to support programs that educate landowners on fire mitigation strategies, including:
- Fuel breaks
- Thinning and pruning vegetation
- Prescribed burning
- Encouraging new growth of native vegetation
CWSF works closely with the Western State Fire Managers (WSFM), a committee established by CWSF and comprised of fire managers from 17 Western states and Pacific island territories. To learn about the Western State Fire Managers committee, click here.