
Registration is open to the public. 

To view the CWSF agenda, please click here. To view the WFLC agenda, please click here. For ​information ​about ​the ​agenda ​or ​event ​breakdown, ​please ​email ​Grace ​at ​gmirzeler@westernforesters.org.

The WFLC meeting has been approved for 11.0 hours Category 1-CF credit. In order to receive credit, you must sign-in each day of the meeting. A sign-in sheet will be available at the registration table. 

Thanks to our 2016 sponsors: 

SILVER Sponsors

BRONZE Sponsors

  • FireIce
  • Insight Robotics Wildfire Detection System
  • Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
  • National Wild Turkey Federation
  • Phos-Chek
  • Timmons Group
Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront
1401 SW Naito Pkwy.
Portland, OR 97201

United States