Registration is now open for the 2018 Council of Western State Foresters (CWSF) and Western Forestry Leadership Coalition (WFLC) Spring Meeting!
The meeting will take place May 15-17, 2018 at the Warwick Hotel in Denver, CO.
Attendees typically include CWSF and WFLC members and partners. The meeting registration fee is $549.
Registration Link (for All Attendees Except USDA Forest Service Employees): Please register here for the meeting. (NOTE: USDA Forest Service employees should not use this link. USDA Forest Service attendees should register by April 6, 2018 by emailing Kelsey Delaney,, with the following information: full name, title, mailing address, and office and mobile phone numbers. Kelsey will reply individually to each USDA Forest Service employee that contacts her to finalize their registration details.)
View the CWSF draft agenda.
View the WFLC draft agenda.
A hotel block has been arranged with rooms available at the government per diem rate of $178/night. The room block has a firm deadline of April 27, 2018 so please be sure to reserve your room before April 27. Reserve online or call (303) 861-2000 and request the group rate for the "2018 CWSF/WFLC Spring Meeting." Please note that all meeting attendees are responsible for making their own hotel reservations.
Should you need to cancel your registration, you may do so and receive a full refund, minus a $25 processing fee, for cancellations made by April 6, 2018. Refunds for registration cancellations made after April 6, 2018 are not possible, however you may transfer your registration to another individual by May 4, 2018 - a $25 processing fee will be applied to transfer a registration from one person to another. Registration cancellations and changes will not be possible after May 4, 2018.
Thank you to our 2018 Sponsors!
Gold Sponsor
Bronze Sponsors
- BlazeTamer380
- FireIce
- Phos-Chek
Green Sponsor
- Timmons Group